Friday, October 19, 2007

Why this topic interest me?

Who am I? Is this real? What does it all mean?
These not just a questions that a philosophy professor might use to challege their students. They're also the problem everyone faces in the cyberspace.

Should you use your real identity in your online discussion groups, blogs, or instant messages? Or should you manufacture a false ID?

In Cyberspace ,there are no face-to-face contact , it is difficult to recognize peoples identity, so people usually pick more elements such as cultural resources to construct their identity and to pull off discourse. There are different kinds of online context, such as blog, Internet forum, massively multi player online games. This topic interest me, because i am interest about how people construct their self- identities through the internet.

I took personal blog as an example, while blogs have become more and more popular. Today these online blog allow people to create an online identity in no time. All people can sign up to create a blog on a certain website, such as Livejournal, Xanga, and Blogger. Users are free to post whatever they would like after they has created an account for themselves. Creating an online identity is simple. Through their computer one can be whomever he likes to be. Some people choose to use their real name so other people can able to recognize who they are and if they are reading their blog. But bloggers usually choose to use a fake name to protect their personal information. However, it is easy for people to post a lot of personal facts while blogging. An individual can be as open about information as they wish, but some may hide behind their blogs as strangers will not know the difference. Pseudonym allows users to hide their identities online, but still lets them build reputation with their username. Users can hide behind their computers saying whatever it is they want to say with little consequences. These days it is easy to maintain blogs and by doing so one is creating an online identity for themselves whether intentional or no.

I think the online identities and communities in cyberspace is interesting, and different people have a very different attitude to this issue. So it is worth for me to study depth on this topic.

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