Friday, October 19, 2007

How people construct their identities on personal website?

How people construct their identities on personal website?

-By showing their personal information,e.g pofile
-By decorating their weblogs
-By showing their interests in the weblogs
-By using their “language, e.g Professional terms ,Foul language

Here I am give an example: Archie's blog
Name: Archie
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Education: Computer Engineering (CUHK fresh graduate)

-That bitch...You are from a securities company, so what did u do ? security guard ? It's totally different from System Specitalist.Her intonation shows that she acutually thought so...

1.Identity card
-He is playing a particular identity card
-He wish others to see them as more superior (highly educated)
e.g. Archie: by stereotyping the graduates from Youth Pre-employment training program (展翅計劃)
<同我in條友係展翅既,報Admin assistant ~> office boy你放個F.5 同我一齊玩,咁我掟廿餅野去讀engine,通3年頂未好Xon居 ?
到條友吹,complete sentence都construct唔到

2.Made a powerful new territory by using foul language
->To repudiate the common impressions of the some people towards the university students/graduates (they should not use foul language)
He used a lot of foul language in his blog to create new identities and culture change .

3.Different identities can be contradictory and seemingly impossible
->Archie wishes others to recognize him as a highly educated person, at the same time, he shows a “rebel” identity.

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